Christmas 2024 - Please note orders placed on or after the 20th December will not be processed until Monday the 30th of December 2024

Christmas Fair, Marlborough November 30th

I am delighted to be heading to Marlborough at the end of November, having been invited to take part in St Peter’s Charitable Trust’s Christmas Fair.

The fair runs from 10am to 3pm in the historic St Peter’s Church on the high street, just ahead of the Marlborough’s Christmas lights switch on.

This is the first time I’ve brought my Ancient Wiltshire themed prints to a fair in the county that inspires much of my work, so I’m looking forward to hearing more memories and stories from those with an intimate knowledge of this wonderful landscape. Expect megaliths, mounds and chalk horses.

I’ll have limited-edition linocut, woodcut and wood engraving prints, cards, digital artworks and perhaps some seasonally-inspired things too.

You can find all the details on St Peter and St Paul’s website:

Screenshot from event host website detailing the Christmas fair particulars:
Date: Nov 30th 10am-3pm
Organiser: St Peter's Marlborough
Venue: St Peter's Marlborough, High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 1HQ.

A small Google Map image highlights the location in the context of the surrounding region, with Avebury to the West, Burbage to the South and Aldbourne to the North East. The map is largely light green in colour with grey and blue lines for major roads.